About us

ReMedica has been instrumental to help the circumstantial and inadvertent entrance to mood modifying substances which enable us to help the sufferers enjoy a normal life again.

Our experienced healthcare professionals have gone through several sufferers and found the best approach through nutritional supplements to fulfill the exclusive need of each cell of the human body and bring back the physical and psychological Milieu intérieur to enjoy the short life bestowed on us.

The experience of conventional medicine helps us to understand and discuss the effectiveness of several mechanical, electronic, and nuclear tests which are presently done to find a diagnosis which may or may not be available even after a myriad of tests. Also, in the field of integrative medicine - with homeopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, energy transfer, and acupuncture - we have enough experience so that we can provide the best of all worlds and in the most economical way to all our clients.

We also have all the equipments required to use radiofrequency and laser to control and reduce fat which helps to keep the body from harm’s way due to excessive fat and weight.

Our Guarantee

A full comprehensive discussion of the sufferings with our doctor and the sufferer, so that we can reach the perfect path to a cure.

How we help?

The experience of conventional medicine helps us to understand and discuss the effectiveness of several mechanical, electronic, and nuclear tests which are presently done to find a diagnosis which may or may not be available even after a myriad of tests. In the field of integrative medicine - we combine our knowledge of conventional medicine with Naturopathy and Ayurveda so that we can provide our clients with the best and most economical treatment approaches.
Our experienced healthcare professionals have gone through several sufferers and found the best approach through nutritional supplements to fulfill the exclusive need of each cell of the human body and bring back the physical and psychological Milieu intérieur to enjoy the short life bestowed on us.
We also have all the equipment required to use radiofrequency and laser to control and reduce fat which helps to keep the body from harm’s way due to excessive fat and weight.

Being there for you, listening & understanding

The right help at the right time

Integrative Medicine

Amalgamating the cream of Naturopathy, Ayureveda, Homeopathy, and Conventional Medicine.

Opioid Dependence

Medical and Supportive (Nutritional) Addiction Treatment.

Mental Health

Medical, Nutritional and Psychological Help

About us

We are a healthcare service provider servicing hundreds of patients in the Halton and Peel regions with clinics in Burlington, Oakville, Brampton, and Mississauga. We are passionate about helping people to teach their bodies how to prevent and treat chronic disease and pain.