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Integrative Medicine

Amalgamating the cream of Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Conventional Medicine.

From prehistoric days, people knew how to heal and take care of pain by the use of crushed plants, fruits, roots, and leaves. Injuries to the body were looked after by external support, like props, and by burning bleeding areas (cauterization). Gradually, those who had an interest and knowledge got the advantage to use the same kind of things on all the major sufferers, which gave them the opportunity to treat all and make a living out of it. They were called the Medicine Man. When Medicine Men went deep into the causes of our suffering, they divided them into: 1. Developmental Anomalies (Congenital) and
2. Acquired.

The treatment modalities were devised according to the defect but the treatment for acquired conditions are varied in different modalities - like injuries, infections, and malfunction of the body’s organs. Some of the ailments are easy to treat if the cause was known. Since the majority of the ailments cause is unknown and scientific research over hundreds of years has failed to find the exact causes, we are forced to attribute them to genetics, immunity factors, anxiety factors, and at the end - replacement of organs. As such, our treatment factor is very diverse and sometimes individually opinionated and some will come up with further new names to treat people. So, it’s about time that the modern conventional medicine should take the best understanding from alternative medicine, and create the best from the top of each integrated medicine. So help us God.

The Need for Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine in Holistic Healthcare is different in our practice as our healthcare practioners are equally knowledgeable in conventional medicine and holistic healthcare.This allows the healthcare receiver to compare all aspects of healthcare and pick the right one for themselves and then gather the knowledge from us to discuss with their own health care provider by OHIP.
It is often forgotten that the conventional medicine can never cure most of our ailments, as they are all related to the air we breathe, the food we take, and the mental conditions in which we live.
Different research and studies are available to understand holistic health. But to prevent us from suffering from illnesses – those need to be attended with science based holistic care, not philosophical. Read More

The Approach to Integrative Healthcare

With the present knowledge of, and research going into, the good old Ayurveda and health supplements, we are able to meet the body deficiencies to our exact requirements. This helps a lot in providing the proper healthcare to our body. The scientific knowledge of each food is clear now and gives immense help to the healthcare provider in integrative medicine. It is also almost proven that the body needs several nutritional factors, like amino acids, which cannot be produced in the body. So, it has to be provided by our food intake and that is the only way body deficiencies are met and healthy living can be established. Read More

Understanding the Cause of Chronic Conditions and Pain

We have to exclude from our diet certain groups of food, which can aggravate the deficiencies in the body and can be the cause of those chronic diseases that have proven to be incurable by conventional medicine. As the conventional medicine is based on scientific research, it has to have a final limit. And the knowledge to treat may be determinable but a new prescription medicine cannot be invented which any healthcare practitioner will use to treat his or her patients and get a cure, which is not possible right away. So to find a cure, we have to go for alternative ways to help the ailing patients. As such, the conventional medical practitioners cannot ignore this fact and the way to bring solace to the sufferer and their relations. Read More

To Educate the Suffering Community

The large number of the suffering community, due to their somewhat insufficient knowledge and poor pecuniary conditions, were forced to take whatever help comes in the conventional way. The suffering community, while knowing fully the cure is not in sight, cannot refuse whatever is given to them and they pray God to get cured, accepting whatever is handed out to them. This financial handout is a great obstacle for freedom of treatment, which should be the basic of human life and to get them out from sufferings. This can be approached by general meetings, media, flyers, and healthy discussions to part with knowledge to all - both caretakers and caregivers. So all caregivers trained in conventional medicine, also should be trained in alternative medicines of their choice. Read More

Conditions that can be helped by alternative understanding of the difficult to cure, unconventional diseases

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • A.L.S.
  • Autism
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoarthritis Read More

Making Choices - Explained

In the present day, the modern lifestyle pushes us to extreme tense moments and that is probably the most important cause of several ailments which everyone has to go through and if we seek a cure out of these than we have to take all the avenues of mental and spiritual paths. And that is why the numerous treatments and spiritual paths are becoming common now. Fifty years ago, people who knew some psychoanalytic and energy transfers methods (i.e. Reiki) and wanted to use it as a treatment method were ridiculed and we were not accepting those treatment methods as an established procedure. Read More